Monday, September 12, 2005

Grapple with Grape-L

Dad's on an organic/fruit/vegetable kick at the moment. Which is actually quite difficult for him because he's an "I only like vegetables from cans!" type of guy. The sad aspect of this is that he is doing it as a last minute attempt at heart health because he has a faulty valve and will need surgery soon. He's obviously a little scared because he keeps saying things like "I think I'll buy a new table saw ... but not until after surgery." (Which makes me think he's either afraid of the cost of the surgery... or worse, not surviving the surgery.) (Which I'm not thinking about! I'm not thinking about! I'm not thinking about!)

But on the organic/fruit/vegetable kick he brought home a box of "Grāpple™ brand apples" (pronounced Grape-L) which advertised that they "looked like an apple but tasted like a grape." Initially I thought that these were some cool new hybrid fruit like the Pluots we've been seeing (and eating) everywhere lately (Pluot = Half Plum/Half Apricot). I've even been informed that the next big thing is going to be Strawmatos (Half Strawberry/Half Tomato) imported from out of the country. But as I bit into a Grāpple I soon realized THIS IS NO HYBRID! This is an apple injected with artificial grape flavoring!! (And then I read the same on the plastic container they came in.) They didn't taste like grapes!! They tasted like purple candy!! Yeah they were nasty! (Unless you like purple candy.)


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