Wednesday, January 23, 2013

John Edward show at the Marriott Marina Del Rey - 1/18/13

Friday night I (Erin) went to see John Edward, the medium known for the show “Crossing Over”, at the Marriott Hilton in Los Angeles. I went because my mother was a fan of the show and had flown down to see him in person. She needed a show buddy and I was said buddy.

I didn’t really know what to expect, actually. I guess the “one foot on the ground” part of me wanted to see the behind the scenes bits to see if there were any possibility that he could be gathering information about people as they arrived in order to trick them into believing something later. Well the skeptic part of me was not indulged. There were some forms that people could fill out as they arrived in order to join the John Edward newsletter but the information collected was minimal - the usual name, email address, do you want to be a member of “The 5” (basically his version of a fan club with member benefits). I can see how some skeptics might then say that his assistants could use this information to gather details from Facebook or other public areas of information about some people.  Yesssssss maybe. Maybe they could have used the time of his lead in (about 30 minutes of him introducing himself, describing his symbolisms that he would use throughout the evening, telling anecdotes) to do some of that research. But the  demographic was mostly upper middle class people (mostly women) in the 50-70 age range. I have doubts that people in this range are all that active on the internet.  Though some could argue that the people in this age range that are on the internet might be more likely to accidentally divulge too much information about their private lives. OK sure. It’s just generally not the feeling I got and I do feel like my skeptic feelers are decent.

John’s assistants (the one that gathered the forms in the first place and a few others) were visible at all times passing microphones out to people and keeping an eye out for recording devices and cell phones. John used a hand held microphone not a headpiece (not ruling out a secret device in his ear but just pointing it out).

John himself talked for the whole time. There weren’t really any moments of pause but there were many anecdotes. I described it as if you were watching a non-comedic episode of Family Guy - a lot of anecdotes and tangents that eventually swung back to his main point. They were usually funny and touching and helped explain why he was seeing the symbols that he saw. (I.E. He was trying to hit upon someone being attacked by a pet - when it didn’t hit as “someone was mauled by a dog” he went into his full tale of what he was seeing, a memory of being attacked by a dog himself, to see if any of the details struck a chord with the listener. They did.)

Overall the experience was like a Hallmark card commercial on steroids - extremely touching, sentimental, sad and happy all at the same time. Lots of tears. There were 600 physical people in the room (plus assistants and techs and John) and countless non-physical people. I envision the non-physical people gathered in an audience formation as well - most of them being quiet and watching John connect to the spirit world as we watched. And then some, knowing what was up, started yelling and waving their hands excitedly in the air yelling “ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME” until John had to take notice and listen to those spirits as they directed him to find and do readings for members in his audience. If you’re going to one of these events and hope to connect, it would do you well to have some boisterous dead.

At one point there was convergence of “ME TOO ME TOO ME TOO” spirits. John seemingly made eye contact with me and said he was being drawn to my section. I averted my eyes and hoped he wasn’t about to hit upon things I couldn’t ignore but he didn’t. He was ultimately drawn to about 6-7 groups of people completely surrounding my mother and I. He’d say some details that were nail on the head for a couple and then one that didn’t make sense to them. Someone else would stand up and say ‘that was for me and some of the other stuff you said for them works for me too’. These were pinpoint details like “Someone in this section is about to have their toe amputated” not vague details like “someone has a foot problem.” This happened until my mother and I were surrounded by these little islands of standing people with microphones and their dead… shouting “OH ME! ME TOO!”  It was nearly as if all these people with similar details were drawn to their specific seats in the first place. And my mother and I as well because as the Me Too’s were happening, John hit upon a detail that would have made sense for me as well. I was convinced if he’d kept going we would have been next. Our Me Too hand waving spirits would have drawn his attention as well. But time was running out and he cut off the chain-link reading and turned to Q and A instead.

As I said, it was as if those people were drawn to those seats in the first place. I would go further and say that it was if the entire audience was drawn to that show in this time in the first place. Though only about 10 people/groups got readings during the 2.5 hour show I would bet that many of the messages made sense for a majority of the audience. Either the messages made sense or the questions people asked were questions you wanted to ask. It definitely felt like a combination of energies was happening. I’ve had similar (and more profound) experiences in large group audience settings like that and I find it fascinating.

Here are some more bullet points about the event

3 other named psychics were in the audience to watch and visit with John including Lisa Williams  (from the Lifetime show) and Char (who actually, come to think of it, was sitting a few rows behind me… and  could have been the cause of all the chain link Me Toos if they were already trying to get into her ear).

John says he believes in angels but it’s not his specialty. If you’re into learning more about angels then Doreen Virtue is his recommendation.

John’s also not a specialist in animal spirits but he says that now, after having and adoring two dogs, he has a clearer picture of pets on the other side. Prior to that he’d hear a “Woof” and that would be his cue that there was some sort of animal.

John lost a lot of weight - he’s not sick, he dieted.