Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Update 1 - the Expo

A few weekends ago I attended the Learning Annex' Real Estate Expo. I figured it was something I was fated to do because I had just finished "reading" RICH DAD, POOR DAD and then I saw the ad which said the author was going to be at the expo. Looking at my ticket the night prior to my Saturday attendance (Thank you Leslie for my ticket!) ... I became convinced that it was not actually valid. The ticket had a coupon code and the note "be sure to register online at .... or by calling this number..." So I called the number and reached a recording which said that "All tickets are sold out.".... Er..... So I went to the website.. or tried to.. but it was down. When it finally came back up the page where I should have been able to enter the "coupon code" had the option grayed out and said "Sold Out."

SO I stayed up until all hours ... surfing, as per usual, on MySpace.

Then Saturday I awoke and thought - I won't forgive myself if I don't attempt this! So I went after all. But I had slept in so I didn't actually wake up, make this decision, drive and get there until about 2:30pm.

And I got in with no problem. But I had missed all the good seminars that I had wanted to attend.

I got there in time for an "Other People's Money" seminar but the room was overpacked and there was no way I was getting in.

The other thing about the expo is that I knew my friend Anna was going. Anna was my coach when I was coaching participants during a Self Expression and Leadership Program. She's about my age (a little older I guess) and she works for the L.A. Opera AND... as I learned during that program... she's trying to get into real estate (with NO MONEY DOWN and all that good jazz). Anna also had me create my financial budget and talk to my creditors, and etc. and basically had me get some good grips on my money situation. Not to mention she dealt with all of my Erin drama while I dealt with participant drama. And I just think she's hot shit all around.

So Anna told me to call her when I was there so I took the "can't get into this room" moment as the opportunity and went through to her voicemail. I decided to then check out the vendor room while I waited for the next available seminar - and then I ran into Anna on the way. So again... fate.

Anna and her boyfriend Derek were all pumped up after having attending the Tony Robbins seminar in the morning and they were wearing "Millionaire Mind" paraphernelia.. which is a 3 day intensive workshop about how to think like a millionaire which they had attended the previous weekend. They decided to drag me on their search for Starbucks (apparently there had been a run and all Starbucks was sold out in the convention center) and then told me they were taking me to the Millionaire Mind mini-seminar in the main hall. I still think that I was not technically supposed to be able to get into that seminar with my free ticket status but they had paid tickets so I just followed them and nobody kicked me out.


The MM mini-sem was led by the creator, T. Harv Eker, who was quite the hyperactive little dude. He'd shout little things like, "Good or good?" or "True or True?" to get positive answers. He did have some great little insights which I noted down. However - the most interesting thing was that he wanted everybody to "think like millionaires" and had us stand up several times to tell our neighbors that they had a millionare mind. Anna and Derek - fresh from the intensive - were all about generating their participation so they'd jump and make the whole row excited with their enthusiasm. Thankfully, I was partnered with Anna so it wasn't so completely odd when we had to turn to our partner, high-five them, look them in the eye and shout, "YOU have a millionaire mind!!" OK so it was a little hokey but it was fun. Basically it was like Landmark education for money.

Some of the great insights from the mini-sem:

1) You can learn all the stuff from all the seminars and books but if you think like a poor person... you can only be poor.

2) Your life is made up from four parts - the Mental, the Emotional, the Spiritual and the Physical... and the Physical is like a print-out of what the other three parts are doing. (I.E. if you think small, you get small. If you feel dramatic, things show up as being dramatic. Etc.)

3) You need to reset your financial thermostat. The example is... if Trump loses a million - he's not going to flinch because his financial thermostat is set for the billions. If yours is set for the thousands or hundreds... then that is all you'll get. Like a thermostat that is set to 72 degrees.... if its colder it'll heat up the room to equal 72, if its hot it'll turn on the AC to get it down to 72... so the temp will always be slighty above 72, at 72 or slightly below 72. The trick is to set your financial thermostat UP UP UP.

4) Resetting your thermostat is a matter of evaluating what you've been taught about money and throwing it out the door. I.E. ... You likely heard things like "money doesn't grow on trees" or "if you want to buy that thing, get a job" as you grew up... which created your way of thinking about money. And its all just stories.

5) Take a look at what your default response is when you need money. For me - my default response seems to be somewhat positive in that I don't kill possibility immediately. "I don't have it but I can ask for it. Someone will give me money," is my natural reaction (from growing up a spoiled brat). (I'm sure my friends will notice this.... and think twice when next I say I don't have any money.... as you should!) HOWEVER - my natural response is also somewhat negative because I have disempowered myself... I can never have or create any money of my own because I always expect it from someone else.

6) Don't complain. People who complain about their situation can only create bad situations (go back to the mental + emotional + spiritual = physical equation).

T. Harv's other suggestion for life was to "bless" those people that have what you want rather than hate them or blame them or despise them. BECAUSE ... when you wish happy things on people, you'll get happy things in return. (This is just one of those elements of life that shows up in various religions in stuff... Wicca refers to it as the 3 times 3 - what you wish on others will come back to you 3 x 3 - so wish good things - do good magic. This is best exemplified in the movie THE CRAFT.)

(SO... if you read it.... this is why I wrote that little poem about "Bless Emily..." because I met her on the following day. She was a 20 year old that had already published a book at 19 and had several screenplays "being read by Hollywood" already. My first reaction was to hate her.... but I've been "blessing" her ever since instead.)

And of course T. Harv's final suggestion was to take the 3 day intensive Millionaire Mind course to re-program your thermostat. (It's like a $1200. course but Anna said she could hook me up with free tickets because you KNOW I want to reprogram myself.)

After the mini-sem ended Anna and Derek went off to prepare for the Trump seminar they would be attending and I finally visited all the vendors and entered all the free iPod contests. (Apparently the Las Vegas real estate market is booming- FYI.)

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