Friday, May 06, 2005

'Tis a Merry Thing

I'm not going to read your poetry unless it rhymes. That being said - our first poetry assignment is "free verse" poetry (which is poetry with no meter and no formal style). We learned about "slant rhymes" and "assonance" and "alliteration" and "line breaks" and other fun grammatical things that I was apparently already using, for the assignment.

So for the hell of it I thought I'd blog some of my "rejected" free verse poetry (since I don't think these have the potential of winning any prizes and so I don't care if I "publish" them). So without further ado:

Tiger Stuff by Erin

The tiger was stuffed and
Wore a t-shirt to show off his
Affiliation with schools and pools
Of students bought him and
Showed him brief love before
Sharing him with parents and

Bless by Erin

Emily Jamison – bless
Emily Jamison because
T. Harv Ecker the teacher
Said we should bless
Those who have what we want.

(This poem relates to my last weekend at the Real Estate Expo and the picnic I went to on Sunday.... which I have yet to post about.)

Baby Things by Erin

The baby’s bright eyes stared at blue eyes
Staring at lights on the wall sparkling
Reflections from baby things hanging
Over the crib. The dust
Had been cleaned off but the blue
Eyes wondered if there was any left,
Any small powder, or
Specks of skin, or
Eyelashes left over from the baby

The Obligatory Sexual Poem by Erin

The top comes off and behold
The body, the breasts, the hardening
Nipples and trace them with finger tips and
Tongue and caress the rest. The breast
Rises with breaths
And breaths
And rest your head between them
And breathe.

THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE rejected poem ------------>

Furry by Erin

Frostie fur got all over my clothes. You
Couldn’t wear dark clothes around her because
When you’d leave Mom would joke
“Did you sit on the dog?”
When I found a white hair on my
Shirt the other day I forgot it wasn’t
Her’s and then I cried for want of
A furry bottom.

(Sad yet funny)

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