Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Universal problems

Every once in a while you bump into one of those problems within a fictional universe.

For example - in Mr. and Mrs. Smith (the Bradjelina version) Adam Brody was seen wearing a "Fight Club" t-shirt while under interrogation by Brad Pitt. (Thanks to T for pointing this out.) This is a problem that should cause some sort of collapse (a la Donnie Darko) because, as we all know, Brad Pitt was IN Fight Club. So if Adam Brody was really a fan of Fight Club... then he should have been like, "Dude, you're Brad Pitt."

There's another one in Golden Girls when the actor who later played Rose's "Miles" also played an earlier character within the series. This is a problem. When he came back as Miles... no one recognized him.

Etc. Etc.

Tonight I was watching FRIENDS and there was one of these problems ... Isabella Rossellini was in Central Perk and Ross was hitting on her because she was on his list of the 5 celebrities he was allowed to sleep with. He had his list laminated on a wallet card and she asked to see it - she wasn't on it. He explained that since she was international he'd bumped her off the list and replaced her with Winona Ryder because she was "local."

THUS the problem within the FRIENDS universe (which, incidentally, is also the Caroline in the City, The Single Guy and the Mad About You universe... which means that it's also The Nanny universe...and if you can think of any more crossovers let me know)... because as we ALL know... Winona Ryder was in an episode as Rachel's old friend that she girl-kissed!!

So.... when you're writing your famous scripts... all I ask is that you pay attention.

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