Saturday, November 12, 2005


Some of the best things in life are the impromptu decisions that lead to adventures! I love adventures. "Adventures" in Erin-land are basically when you're walking or driving along and you say something like, "Hey....what happens if we turn left?" and that silly decision leads to things like Taysha and I at a thrift store buying a giant, damn, dirty television and wrestling it back to our dorm in a taxi.

The second best thing to "adventures" are the all of a sudden movie plans. For example... "We could go see a movie." "Sure, what time." "In ten minutes." "To the horses, Pronto!"

I had one of these experiences in Boston during my trip East.

Chrissy: Well it's 10 - we could call it a night or see a movie.

Erin: Movie!

Chrissy: Really? I was just kidding but OK. Shall we go to the new theater next to Emerson?

Erin: To the horses, Pronto!

We decided upon A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE since we were both curious about it. Hooboy! Not what I expected. I mean, granted, "violence" was in the title but with the very dramatic looking Viggo on the movie poster... I was expecting something of Oscar caliber.

Viggo looking overly dramatic

The note in the beginning credits that said "Based on a Graphic Novel" (a.k.a. "comic book") should have really prepared us. Lots of graphic violence (for example, Viggo stomps on a man's throat as a way of killing him) and a slew of overly dramatic bad guys and drama pauses. Not something I recommend, really.

Last night I was celebrating my godmother's birthday with my immediate family and Miriam (cuz she still celebrates family functions with me at my request). On the way out of the restaurant I picked up a "Campus Circle" magazine which featured a big ad on the back for Sarah Silverman's new movie, Jesus is Magic, which neither of us had previously heard about. Miriam freaked (we love Sarah Silverman!) and demanded that we make an attempt to watch it. It was 9:30 - it started at 9:40... we rushed and drove and ran and got to the theater at 9:55 but it was sold out anyway. (Sarah Silverman WAS supposed to be there in person and apparently she was on Howard Stern that morning promoting it ... so we were doomed.)

But since we were at the theater anyway (and this was our local quirky midnight movie theater that plays Rocky Horror and usually something good on Friday nights) I backed out to the sidewalk and leaned back to read the marquee. I saw the letters L E G...a little further.... B I L L I....


So then I spent the next couple of hours begging and pleading to find someone to see ONLY THE BEST FUCKING MOVIE EVER (after, you know, the other best movies ever) with me. I finally gave up and decided that I would be a grown up and go alone. (Something that I was completely capable of in Boston but somehow never capable of at home.) (I had missed the opportunity to see TEEN WITCH and CLUE at the midnight screenings and still haven't forgiven myself... thus the decision to go despite lack of company.) Miriam ended up coming through at the last minute because she decided she'd not be able to sleep if I went to the Nuart alone because of all the crazies. (It should be noted that she had a bad experience with the crazies... but at the RHPS and back in high school.)

Anyway.... so I got to see my movie. Gawwwwwwwwwdddd that movie is good! Especially when all the Billie Jean wannabes are passing her along on some sort of underground Billie Jean railroad. Makes me wanna wear a wetsuit top, pump my fists in the air and steal shit from toy stores! Today I'm feeling a little invincible! (Actually... a little tired and grouchy but had to work that Pat Benatar reference in anyway.)

Billie Jean rocks my socks

1 comment:

freethoughtguy said...

I saw "Jesus Is Magic" in SF, and I'm not sure it was OK to laugh!

But I laughed anyway.

Here's my post on the movie.