Monday, November 07, 2005


I just survived a terrible accident.

There I was, minding my own business, when the soap got away from me. I took a step towards it, slipped on a "soap just made this slippery" spot, completely lost all sense of balance and the world around me and toppled out of the shower.

There I was... lying on the floor, legs still inside the tub, tangled in the curtain and the curtain ROD that came down with me, shower head spraying water all over me and the rest of the bathroom. I sat (if you can call it sitting) there for maybe two minutes - dazed and really confused as to just how the hell I was going to get up. Finally, I managed to turn over, grip the floor and push backwards back into the offending bathtub - careful not to slip on the soapy spot again. And then I decided to finish the shower with the rod/curtain tangle still on the floor because what the hell - everything's already wet anyway!

But I seem to have injured nothing except my pride. (Which, since there were no witnesses, I could have saved from injury but I instead decided to tell you all about it and assault that pride.)

In times like these I'm reminded that I must have guardian angels/spirits/whatever... because I could have hit my head on the sink or a variety of other things on the way down but I'm fine. Maybe a little bruise on my ass but I think I'm still in adrenaline shock and don't know what hurts yet.

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