Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Weekend/Last Class

I spent the weekend in Buena Park at the "ABS" Reunion with family I've never met, family who aren't my family and family I knew. I met a few interesting "cousins," spent some interesting time with the obsessed autistic cousin and missed out on a few opportunities because I wasn't bold enough to introduce myself to other cousins. I have a few interesting stories about the weekend that I'll post later.

Monday night was the last Creative Writing class and I am saddened by my loss... this means I'll have no more looming assignment deadlines with which to finish stuff. I, of course, got an A. Strangely, one of the teacher's comments was that I was generous with my contributions to the class. If you had ever taken a class with me previously, you'd know that I never contribute in class. I always had those teachers that threatened to grade down if you didn't participate... but I never did and they never graded me down. So I called every teacher on their bluff. I figured... I'm getting an A anyway... if I get an A- I won't give a crud. BUT... they'd just add a comment to a paper or somehow suggest that they "wished I'd talk once in a while." BUT ... it all turned around this time and I did contribute in class. Mostly in the full class workshops in which my comments were mind-expanding and eye-opening! I contributed and I contributed amazingly! AND... I became well-known for my amazing comments on drafts and was thanked many times by various students for the plot holes I dug up and improvement suggestions I suggested. I should maybe consider a career in story-editing! (But not plain ol' editing because I CAN'T STAND ... CAN'T STAND ... peer-editing for language/grammar/punctuation.) (I was so frustrated, in fact, by Chemmy's latest draft of a vampire horror chapter in his sociopathic novella.. that I just wrote "This needs to be edited on a sentence by sentence basis" instead of making the language/grammar/punctuation marks on his paper.)

The teacher told us that he'd be taking a playwriting class this summer and that it might be fun if a few of us joined him. I'm thinking about it (and the Tony Awards were on on Sunday and I was thinking about playwriting so that's synchronicity!).


Taysha said...

what have you done with erin

Erin said...

Sent her to growed up school