Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mr. Winky

My current fixation is this: ;)

The winking smiley! I'm putting Mr. Winky on almost every e-mail, every message, every comment on a blog/profile/guestbook/etc. He just seems to apply to everything whereas before I was never so bold as to *wink* in my text. Is it flirty? Is it sassy? I'm not sure.

Beyond that I've just discovered that my parents have something called "On Demand" cable WHICH means that I can't watch all of the Season 2 L-Word's in a row and actually get caught up to current! Unfortunately I've just figured this out in the last couple of days so I don't have as much time and can't explore the other On Demand things like Queer as Folk, Deadwood, and etc.

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