Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Job Hunting

I figured I could use this blog now as a resource to keep me to my word (to myself at least).

Realizing that my job hunting skills from my previous bout of unemployment (which was like a year and a half or more) were not going to work this time I've made some immediate determinations.

1) I'm going to ask for help. (Last time I was going to "do it all myself - leave me the frik alone!")
2) I'm going to make lists. (I hear this is useful for attention defecit folks... and I'm convinced I'm attention deficit.)
3) I'm going to do it as it was meant to be done (and use the rest of my Landmark "Performance Triangle" skills which I keep posted next to my desk).
4) I'm going to try and talk about my insecurities out loud to someone instead of just butchering myself on the inside.

So JoB hunting day 1 was Friday night (after the layoff). I'd actually sent out a couple of resumes during the day (after realizing my rent check had bounced and knowing I needed a new job that paid more) . That night I sent out a couple more. I also sent e-mails to friends and acquaintances to keep their eyes open for me. Jobs applied to - 4.

JoB hunting day 2 - Monday - I woke up and made a list of things to do that day. I planned out all the physical stuff for the morning (folding laundry, making beds) because I knew I'd piss my day away if I got on the computer. One of the things on my list to do was to read a chapter of my Monster.com Job Hunting book which I'd received as a free gift at about the time I started my last job. This will be my "doing it as it was meant to be done" guide. The book says it may take about two weeks to get everything in order before I can officially begin full force looking. Meanwhile I intend to look a little at least every day. I filed for unemployment. This will take a bit to kick in. I checked the e-mails from friends and was led to Countrywide and Target's sites. Both sites had nothing I could conceivably qualify for so nothing there. There are still a couple I need to follow up on. Per the Monster book I made a "jobs applied to" notebook. Jobs applied to - 0. Tasks completed - 21 (out of 24)

JoB hunting day 3 - Tuesday - I completed the Monster book's personal assessment quizzes today. All of them sorta led in the direction of "being a writer" as a career which probably means taking what they call a "Plan C" job. I also worked on my next Creative Writing assignment which is a 2500 word "character driven" story. I've decided to kill two birds with one stone. Bird 1) Character driven story; Bird 2) Fanfiction for my FGT site. Sooo my story is going to be about a hobo girl that is involved peripherally in the FGT story. I took a walk (and went to 7-11 because I wasn't really sure where to walk to). I watched two movies. I sent two notes to two former employers (including the last one) requesting reference letters for a "brag book" which the Monster book suggested. The Hollywood Boss sent me a notice asking me if I was available to help her with something. I hadn't told her about the layoff yet because I knew she was going through a tough time - her new boyfriend was dying of cancer. Well it turns out that he did die and she is planning a "celebration of life" and could use some support with that. This would be paying something I suppose but a little SAD! I'd do it for free since I have the time but I probably can't be that generous. Jobs applied to - 0. Tasks completed - 12 out of 14

1 comment:

Taysha said...

Very productive for 2 days!!! Keep up the good work and something will come along.