Monday, March 21, 2005

Dumb stupid!

After watching the strangely fulfilling Constantine movie with Marci last night... I returned home after my 10pm bedtime needing some dinner. I whipped up some Mac & Cheese with grilled and seasoned tuna and sat down in front of the telly to eat and watch something. The only thing on other than news was SPRING BREAK SHARK ATTACK and I figured... "Ahh what the hell! I have that whole morbid curiousity thing about it so I might as well check it out." SO I managed to catch the well-acted film right after Kathy Baker made some discovery about Mr. Bad Guy "chumming the reef" and the swarms of sharks were approaching.

Then they were there.... eating people in bikinis... panic ensued. But really... not enough panic people! A shark has just taken a chunk out of your gut - its not likely that you'll survive even though you've made it back to the beach. My favorite part was when the shark grabbed the kite-surfing guy out of the air!

I finished my Mac & Cheese by the commercial break and went to bed.

The eating before bed and the dumb stupid shark attack movie then caused me to have a disturbing dream about a child actor being interviewed on Jay Leno. Jay and the kid actor got into a pool of water with the Universal Studios jaws animatronic shark for some sort of bit. Then tragedy!! The kid got caught up in the workings and, ON LIVE TV, his head was pulled right off! Blood reddened the water and shot in the air. Mass confusion!

This woke me up somewhere in the middle of the night and the horrible image is still stuck in my head!

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