Thursday, November 06, 2008


Because I can't say it better - I quote below:

No matter your opinion on gay marriage, Proposition 8 is about discrimination and elimination of fundamental rights and is therefore unfair and wrong. Never before in California's history has a group, who currently enjoys a basic right, been singled out and then had those rights ripped from them by a vote of their fellow citizens. This decision is so radical and so egregious that every voice must first be heard, no matter how unlikely a changed outcome might be.

Please sign and pass it along.

But please - only sign this petition if you are a California resident.

MEANWHILE - while I was at the hospital and not participating in any important protests... they suggested on the news that it was the large amount of black voters in the state that came out to vote for Obama that ALSO voted Yes on Prop 8. Umm..... hello? Hypocrisy much?

And another MEANWHILE... people keep comparing Obama to Kennedy. Umm ... hello! Kennedy was assassinated... you might want to hush your mouths and knock on some wood.

And once again... MEANWHILE ... the NOonProp8 site has now become the website. They're now suggesting we donate money and that every time we donate money they'll send a postcard to the leader of the Mormon church since apparently they donated all the money to pay for the ads that convinced people to vote Yes. First of all - their ads were hurtful and dumb and if you had a lick of sense you didn't fall for 'em. So the people that were convinced by those ads were gonna vote Yes anyway IMHO. Secondly, harassing people with an onslaught of mail is just getting into eye for an eye stuff. I think we can be bigger than that. (But then again there was some representative of the church on TV tonight who said something to the effect of, "California voted Yes. The gays need to suck it up." And that makes me want to send a lot of angry postcards to THAT ratbastard.)


Mary Ann Cicala said...

I wish I could sign your petition...but I don't want to cause any drama ala acorn!

Keep up the fight and let us nail biters in the other bay state know what we can do to help your efforts.

As for your comments on hypocrisies... and I think you read this already... I wrote about something similar in my own blog, The title is Celebration in the shadow of disappointment.

The readers comments actually give me some faith...and historical perspective!

Erin said...

Ahh yes! I read yours right after I made my comment. And then I gave you an invisible high five that only I knew about (until now).