Sunday, November 09, 2008

Feedback and Stickers

Have you ever seen the channel "Current"? Frankly, I think it is awesome. I hate watching the news. I feel that much of it is over my head when it's talking about the world. When it's talking about local things it's merely depressing. Current (the tv channel, not the catalog that sells Christmas cards and wrapping paper) is a news channel for people like me. I want to say it's for "younger" people but I guess I can't claim to be "younger" anymore so I'm gonna make a guess and say that it's targeted to 25-35 year olds. That way I fit in there. :)

The channel itself is designed to be fully interactive - it's like YouTube on TV. But with news. But with USER-GENERATED news. And also user-generated ads. It's a great place to check out if you're a video or filmmaker because you can totally get your stuff on the air if you generate it for the channel. Like MTV it has people that act like VJ's. News Jockeys? NJs? Like YouTube it has a little run time at the bottom of each piece letting you know how much longer the piece is. Most pieces range from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. (Our messed up attention span thanks to MTV and Sesame Street!) It's digestable news by my peers - I can understand it. And I can watch it in small batches when I have only 10 minutes to watch TV. is the channel's social site. You can add articles for comments, sign up to be a video maker (by listing your experience with equipment and crew positions), and interact with what goes on the air. If you make it on the air they display your little avatar, screenname and your quote. (Also I love the motion graphics on this channel!)

CURRENTly, the channel is asking for feedback about Proposition 8. I sent my long winded comment in yesterday but you can send your thoughts in at any time. Just send a note to "" and maybe your comment will make it on the air. You never know who'll see it. Who's mind you might change!

Go to and look at the bottom right on the footer to see if you get the channel and what number it is.

Also - this website is giving away free Shepard Fairey designed Obama stickers. If you're one of those collectors collecting historic things - you might want one:


A said...

I am completely impressed. Good job! If I was in LA, we'd go to protests together. I miss you!

Erin said...

Just come out for the 15th! Just a short jaunt and we'll go buy some poster board.