Monday, February 27, 2006

Fake Authors

Things I learned today:

1) Carolyn Keene WAS FICTIONAL. This does explain why she's been around and has been writing FOREVER. Wow. I learned this by reading the dustjacket of this book today: Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her I might consider reading it but ... why? I learned all I needed to learn from the dustjacket. Plus I only really read like two Nancy Drew books ("The Nancy Drew Files") because they had hot 80's guys on the covers. (I was a confused pre-teen.) I actually just found one of my Nancy Drew Files books in the garage when I was working on cleaning it out some more yesterday. (I also found She'Ra's horse and her boyfriend, Bo... oh and JEM... that was way more exciting.) Not to discount Nancy Drew... I was just more of an Encyclopedia Brown girl.

2) Winona was totally in on the whole J.T. Leroy thing and pretended he existed. (I'm not sure if this is true or if this was a "Oh I totally knew he was fake all along!" cover up for her own embarassment.) (And if you don't know about the whole J.T. Leroy thing... don't worry. Its all new to me too - I only know now because some chick from a movie promotion site was e-mailing me about the new movie based on JT Leroy's "life" - THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS - because I have a Winona Ryder related website and she wanted me to post info since I guess WR has a scene or something.) (And if you did know about the whole JT Leroy thing - kudos to you for being on top of it!)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I loved Encylopedia Brown.