Tuesday, April 04, 2006

First Day and Ro Ro

Today was my first day of school! Did I mention I was going back to school?? I've been pondering it for several years and even sorta "began" the program at the local community college but never could I find one of those career art colleges that would let me out of the Gen Eds until now. The Art Institute of L.A. is my new home where I'll be an Interactive Media Design major (they lovingly cancelled out all of my general education requirements by transfering in my college credits) ... hopefully learning flash and computer fancy design such that I can incorporate my storytelling need with some fancy graphic style.

I took Color Theory in the morning... Intro to Design in the afternoon. I was warned during Orientation (oh btw that was hella lame ... lame enough to make me say "hella") that the first quarter or so would be like "Art Bootcamp" and thus it was.

From 7:30am to 8:00am we needed to come up with a set of colored pencils and sharpen them pronto. The drill seargent... er... teacher than came around to poke us with them to see if they were sharp enough. I, in my panic, sharpened and broke and sharpened and broke my lame ass black pencil until it was half the size of all the others. OK... so he didn't actually poke me and he turned out pretty funny but... still. With that kind of warning you think you're in for trouble.

We then prepared to color in our color wheel "with perfection" ... no streaks allowed. The teacher laid out the colors that were in our set that we had that corresponded to the color wheel - things like "blue-violet" and "yellow-green" - telling us that since we had those two we wouldn't have to mix them. Of course I promptly forgot his terminology so when he came by my desk while I was stupidly coloring in the "yellow-green" with yellow and green and said, "You own that color," I mistook it as a "good work" and thought, "Fuck yeah! I so own this color!" And being modest about "owning" that yellow-green I responded, "Huh?" To which he responded, "that pencil is in your box." Oh. Yeah. Shit....

Then, during my break, it was back and forth and back and forth with my huge ass "Kit" which I vowed I would not be the stupid freshman carrying around but did it anyway ... while I checked on whether or not I passed the Computer Applications "test out" (please!), bought colored pencils, returned drawing board, went to pick up my ID, was re-directed to a different place to pick up my ID, learned that they mis-printed my ID, got a new ID, went back to the other place to get the "Spring 06" sticker... all the while texting Evil Monica that her stupid school sucked balls while she "Ha!" ed at me in response ... encountered Sneaky Sneaky Holly in the midst of ID drama while then half-tripping down the hall over the stupid rolling "Kit" and stabbing numerous people with the T-Square and 36" ruler that don't quite "fit" in the "Kit" as I passed them by...grabbed a tuna melt from the catering truck (there's nothing quite like a tuna melt to make me feel like I'm back in school)...returned to my car to eat my tuna melt in a state of momentary peace and then attempted to wrestle stupid "Kit", bag AND umbrella (cuz it was now raining) back to class 2.. Intro to Design.. where I was instructed to draw lines.

Huh? Lines?

Yes - lines. Now go!

Then THAT teacher roamed around saying things like "don't smudge" and "tape pennies to the under side of your ruler so you don't smudge " and "cover your work with paper so you don't smudge" and "wash your hands every once in a while so you don't smudge".... putting me in my such a smudge panicked state that I ... you guessed it... smudged! She also said things like "make some different weights' and "all your negative space looks the same" ... etc. etc. I finally just drew lines up the wazoo until she said "Good." "Now you're getting it!" I'm not sure what I got other than a bunch of criss-crossed lines. But apparently its good design. :)

Next class is on Friday ... but I still need a fourth. I might end up with just three. We'll see how much I can handle anyway.

SECRETLY (not anymore) I think that I just started school as a FUCK YOU to the psychic who told me back in November that I "should not go to college" because I couldn't handle it. Back then I was like, "Huh? But I already went to college and have a fancy degree!" And she was like, "Oh shit. Umm... Wow. I guess you can handle something when you put your mind to it. Meanwhile - I say work with animals!"

After school was my first "perk" screening relating to the GLAAD Film Nom committee. I got to see "All Aboard: Rosie's Big Gay Cruise" (or whatever its proper name is) for free. (Some of you are saying, "Uh... that's going to be on HBO. Big whoopiedoo!") Well it was a screening WITH Rosie and Kelli O'Donnell and some of the featured people from the documentary (which is about a cruise for gay families). That was good and interesting... I'm not going to give it points as high as I gave V FOR VENDETTA (31 out of 40) but it'll still grade high in "impact." Two things I was distracted by... 1) One of the daughters and her two dads that was heavily featured in the doc was ALSO heavily featured in the "MTV True Life: I Have Gay Parents" video I had to watch... so I was like "Get this overexposed bitch off the damn screen!"
2) ... And I'm the biggest geek on the damn planet here... throughout the ENTIRE movie I was like, "What the fuck is this score? I KNOW this score! This score is so Mary Stuart Masterson!!" until they finally belted out Scarlett's "Independent Love Song" and I was like, "Fuckin' A!! Bed of Roses??!?!?! Did they just put the score CD on play while they mixed???!??!" Later I told Miriam (who I mistakenly took as a date because she wanted to see Ro) ... "Jesus! I'm surprised Jann Arden's "Insensitive" wasn't playing!!" (SO for this I will probably give them lower points on "quality" since they are dirty dirty score thieves.)

Next week is KINKY BOOTS!

The funny sidenote is that I told my Godmom that I was on a film nomination committee and needed to see movies from time to time and her response was, "Well I'm home with nothing to do! Take me with you." Of course I neglected to fill her in on the whole "gay" movies thing.... so I figure I can take her to the more mainstream movies on our list of things to watch. Sooooo.... the next mainstream movie on our list of things to watch is BASIC INSTINCT 2.

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