Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What I Want for Christmas 2010

So the "Amazon Kindle" is making waves as this great ebook reader with "whispernet" downloads and "digital ink" technology.

I'd embed a video but the one I like doesn't have that option so click on the link:
Amazon Kindle demonstration video

It looks pretty effin' awesome. My favorite features are the dictionary for word look up, the Wikipedia availability, the blog reader updates (so I can download updates about Ben's comics, Val's comedy and Marlena's Noodle... haha that sounded gross) and the nearly always available link to Amazon. (I love you Amazon.)

I'm pretty sure I want one but NOT NOW. I don't want this one. I want the one coming out in my hypothetical future - the one that displays in COLOR. Why must everything cool come in black and white first? (Seriously... you KNOW it's gonna come out in color so why would anyone even bother buying the Black and White one??) I want to view those book covers in COLOR. Because I judge books by covers.

I also want the "Kindle for Writers" - the one that's gonna come out with a pen so that I can jot notes with my own handwriting and then use the "rhyming dictionary" lookup and the "Kindle for Geeks" which will play my coding books but with tutorial videos AND download graphic novels.

So when those come out - buy me one.

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