Monday, August 30, 2004


So I got me this "Template" for my blog... and now I can't figure out how the hell to put the Comments link back up.

Skinning is a brave brave thing... if you skin things....I commend you. Teach me though.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Fixation: Blog Templates

So my current fixation (for the evening anyway - but I predict a future in it) is the "blog template" or "skin." Or frankly just the blog! I've searched all night and found a cute one which I added my own picture to so it looks pretty cool.

But I get on these same surfing tangents and fixations with Fanlistings, fan art "blending" pages, Paint Shop Pro "dolls" and MySpace html page tweaks.... how did all these little bitches and assholes (and I mean that in an endearing way) get so graphically fancy? Can I borrow some little thirteen year old to help teach me "blending"?

Thursday, August 26, 2004


I like ellipses..... and dashes - cuz they make you pause. Its my writing method for comedic timing.

Obsession...Fixation...what not

You need a blog for each set of readers... just like you can only send certain e-mails to certain people. Only certain people can read about certain things. Only certain people WANT to read about certain things.

This blog - this one I'm starting today - this one is for the things I get "fixated" on.

Oh and also for "Thoughts from the Warehouse"...because you need somewhere to deposit the thoughts and bitchings from work. Since I started at my new job I've found that there are funny things I want to share...cuz we sell funny things...and people are funny.